Thursday, December 13, 2012

Yay! Secret Santa Stopped at My House

So Secret Santa stopped at my house  and look what he brought me!

I haven’t read THRONE OF GLASS,  but it was on my TBR list. It’s perfect since I’m finishing up a book now and the novel I planned on reading next isn’t coming out until after my holiday vacation.

Thank you Santa (cough, cough—thank you every so much Juliana Haygert).
And thank you Juliana Brandt for organizing this Secret Santa event. It was loads of fun, both the giving and the receiving.

If you have a free minute, swing over to Juliana Brandt's blog   and check out the post on Juliana Haygert’s perfect holiday book HER HEART'S SECRET WISH—guaranteed to warm your cockles and maybe a few other parts as well. Seriously, I'm going to make time to read it and you might like to as well.

Currently I'm reading:

I've pre-ordered:


  1. Replies
    1. Merry Christmas, back at you.

      And, seriously, your book looks like a fantastic read.

  2. Awesome! You are going to love Megan's book, too.

  3. Yay for well timed gift books! I love the cover of UNSPOKEN.

  4. I've wanted to read UNSPOKEN since it came out a few months ago, but it's been hard to find a quiet moment to get to it.
