Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Finally a New Blog Post: The Great Conversion

What have I been doing besides working on revision of Devil’s Orchid?

Well, I’ve been busy converting the florist part of my shop into just antiques.  It’s been a blast dragging stuff we've had stashed at home and in the attic to the shop and setting it up on the main floor.  Here’s a peek at how things are coming along. 

Our goal is to close the florist end of the business on Halloween Eve and it looks like we’re going be done ahead of time. So, yay!


No, I don’t have a hearse at the store.  We went to the Shelburne Museum recently and I snapped this photo.  Inside you can just make out a wicker casket. We actually sold it to the museum. Somewhere around here, I have a photo of my husband laying in it.  Cheerful, huh? The baskets weren't used for burials. The funeral homes used them to pick the body up and transport it to the funeral home--pretty much the predecessor to the body bag. 


  1. Wow. Totally cool. What a lot of good stuff for story inspirations.

  2. You're so right. It's particularly fun when we buy whole estates and can see what people save. It says so much and varies so much.

  3. Oh my goodness! Your store looks amazing, just the type that I love to wander through. Thanks for sharing!

  4. We even have a wood stove, so people can sit around and just stare at all the junk ;)

  5. Where are you? I'm coming to get that vintage hearse!
    Seriously- this store is one beautiful space.

    1. I'm in Northern Vermont :)

      Isn't that hearse wonderful? And, it has wheels and runners so it can be used in any weather.

  6. The store is looking good, Pat! I love the shelves full of old bottles.

  7. We sell a ton of them. When we bought the store, we had to tear out a wall in the back room. It was filled with hundreds of extract bottles from during Prohibition. Someone or ones spent a lot of them drinking the stuff, then tossed the empty bottles into a hole in the wall.
