Sunday, February 28, 2016

Dark Heart series Launch Event

I had a fantastic time at A HOLD ON ME’s launch event yesterday. And I want to thank everyone who came, and those of you who sent me notes and emails as well. Your support and kinds words mean the world to me. It was a day I’ll never forget.

A special nod to the South Burlington Barnes & Noble gang who made everything easy for this newbie, to Denise and her post-its for saving me from embarrassment, and to Laura and Emma who drove up from Massachusetts to surprise me. And to my sister Ruby who treated me to scallops afterwards (that’s pretty much the perfect end to any day).

Thank you all!!!

Friday, February 26, 2016

A HOLD ON ME: two new reviews!

I’m thrilled to share two new reviews for A HOLD ON ME.

I’m so grateful to everyone who is taking the time to write and share reviews. You guys rock!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

A Hold on Me: Interview

I just love this interview on We do Write.
Dorothy Dreyer asked some great questions.

#XpressoBookTours #NAparanormal #GothicNovel #KensingtonBooks #Interview

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Monday, February 22, 2016

Tomorrow is the official launch of the Dark Heart series! I’m so nervous and excited.

Today I have several reviews and spotlights going live. I also have a guest post on Hidden World Books about why I chose to have antique dealing as a profession for the main character in A HOLD ON ME. Plus, I share a bit about my own antique dealing experiences, including one creepy story.   Hidden World Books  

Actually, there are a lot of things happening all week: guest posts, reviews, spotlights, and more—all leading up to my in person launch event at Barnes & Noble on Saturday! Keep an eye out here, on Twitter, and my Facebook author page for updates. Here’s an overview and links: Xpresso Book Tours

#DarkHeart #NAparanormal #gothicnovel #Kensington #XpressoBookTours

Friday, February 19, 2016

Interview up on Deal Sharing Aunt

Today I have a fun interview up on Deal Sharing Aunt. Lots of tidbits about my writing, the inspiration for A HOLD ON ME, and my own reading recommends. HERE